Hey everybody, first of, we the Hobility Crew hope all of you’s are doing well, more importantly are staying healthy. As the time of this writing, it’s been roughly a week Malaysia was put into social distancing, lock down, quarantine, and trying it’s best to combat the Corona Virus. Subsequently, this has led to a lot of us being confined at home for two whole weeks.

Second, we’re pretty sure, that the vast majority of you might of thought that a two week vacation is the best thing to happen, right? well, yes and no. While this has given us ample time for our bodies to rest, conversely, cabin fever must’ve sunk in by now. As a result, you might’ve start feeling restless, agitated and maybe even claustrophobic.

What is cabin fever?

According to Wikipedia, cabin fever refers to restlessness experienced when a person, or group, is stuck at an isolated location or in confined quarters for an extended period of time, i.e., us. In that case, how do we get around this?

Get Out of the House

Okay, this might seem contradictory, but leaving the your house just for a short period of time is totally acceptable. In addition, as long as you know you’re immune system is strong and avoid human contact , you’re going to be fine. With that said, go take a walk and soak up some Vitamin D from the sun.

Maintain Normal Eating Patterns

For many of us, a day stuck at home is an excuse to overindulge in junk food. Others skip meals altogether. However, eating right can increase our energy levels and motivation. You may feel less hungry if you are getting less exercise, but monitor your eating habits to ensure that you maintain the proper balance of nutrition.

Set Goals

When you’re stuck at home for very long, you may be more likely to while away your time doing nothing of importance. Set daily and goals, and track your progress toward completion. For example, by cleaning your house can already do wonders, or just even finishing that huge backlog of Gunplas in your closet.

Using Your Brain

While watching tv, playing video games and being on social media, is a great from of entertainment and escape, it can become boring rather quickly and dulls the mind a bit. To mitigate this, find ways to stimulate the brain by doing puzzles, reading books, or learning a set of skills. The internet is still available, there’s nothing stopping you from learning.


Yes, exercise. It’s something so simple but something we all dread to do. If you’re concerned with leaving your home and risk exposing yourself, find a way to stay physically active indoors. Regular exercise can help burn off any extra energy and release endorphins which keep you staying positive from being cooped up indoors.

Alright, we hope that this has helped you in any sort of way with coping staying in doors. Also, we know that post is bit more serious compared to our previous ones, but considering the situation, it’s a necessary one. Anyways, stay safe and stay healthy.

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